Today, technology is enhancing user experience and introducing new heights to take businesses ahead than ever before. The trend of location-based services app is well-established in the mobile app market. Mobile apps in the various industries are using location in order to serve the user and transform their experience.
Geolocation feature in mobile apps has set a new trend for startups. It is an essential ingredient used by several apps to ease the results that match the desired requirements. From check-in at places to share your location geolocation feature has also become an integral part of the current apps market. Today there are many apps that functioning is based on the user’s location. It is all about making the user feel free and create a hassle fewer efforts.
Form Uber to Google Maps uses user destination and guides according. Foursquare was the first entertainment startup to introduce location-based services. Likewise, Pokémon GO fueled a wave of a location-based feature in the mobile app world. Location-based apps offer various services depending on the user’s location. The location is identified using GPS of the current location or using data from the Wi-Fi or cell tower.
Various ways location-based apps can be used:
• Location-based apps for finding people
• Location-based search for various services
• Sending push-notifications in person
• Assisting users according to geolocation
This technology has introduced new concepts for businesses. It helped and is helping them with the integration of geolocation technology to their mobile apps ideas. As a result, they can formulate smarter marketing and customer engagement approaches. Hence, leveraging the location of the user’s app allows businesses to create amazing experiences via a mobile app.
Some Ideas for location-based apps
• Events apps
• Dating app
• Tourism apps
• Health and fitness apps
• Navigation apps
• Recommendation apps
• Planning apps
Recommendation apps
Recommendation apps are using Geo-location feature in the best way. There are some of the most popular recommendation apps in the market for user’s best requirement. The apps implementing geolocation feature uses user’s location to make day to day task easier. Such app provides recommendations according to the user’s location while looking for any store or any happening place. The user would like to visit the place that has got recommendation better than any other.
Health and fitness apps
This idea has now become a new way of moneymaking for any business. This not only helped them, but also the users to stay more fit and spontaneous than ever before. Hence, many brands in the field of health & fitness are trying to incorporate Geo-location. Therefore, leveraging the location of app users can make a huge difference by tracking the sporting activities while assisting properly.
Tourism apps
Tourism is another market to make the users experience hassle less, by leveraging the location. Location-based applications in this field have introduced new heights in this sector. According to the user’s location, the notifications are dropped and accordingly assistance is provided. Geolocation feature could help your users with place recommendations along with the driving directions via an app. Moreover, such apps also show the user the best spots in a city suggested by the other users near their current location.
On Demand App

On-demand Apps are creating their prominent space in the industry. These apps with geolocation obtain the user’s location and function accordingly. An on-demand app is utilizing the function of the geolocation in a very effective way. Many apps are facilitating the users with pickup location and drop-off location based on geolocation feature. According to the location, the user can find restaurants, grocery shops, and many more places nearby. Therefore, by integrating geolocation feature into On-demand apps can create fruitful results from business as well user’s perspective. It helps to improve the overall user experience and provide services easily.
Dating app
Dating apps are the new concept where two people behind a screen communicate in order to possibly meet. Users from a distance can communicate leveraging each other’s location. Using geolocation functionality, users can date each other in real time. This is setting a new benchmark in the online dating industry. Users in near their location can find other user according to their interests. This is something experiencing real-world to connect people with a mindset of dates.
In closing
Apps using Location-based technology offers services beyond imagination. This feature is currently very prominent in every sphere. The requirement of location is used to personalized deals to the customers. There are apps featuring geolocation transforming the user’s experience. This tech move has become a versatile tool in every sphere.